
Finishing picture at 3 years old.

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Finishing picture at 3 years old.
Sweet Sonya is not a part of our breeding program at this time. She may be available sometime in 2024 to a retirement home.
Sonya (Red Nova Ejona) is our first full show girl. We are so grateful to her breeder Natalia Cherviskaya of Red Nova Kennel in Russia for sending her to us. Sonya is a moderate 15" girl. She's got a very sweet personality, and though not flashy, she is showy. She started her show career in January 2020. It was my second time showing, and she made me so proud by taking Winner's Bitch for a three point major. She gathered another 3 point major in her next shows which were then interrupted by COVID. Sonya finished her championship in July 2022. This girl has taught me so much. She not only is a lovely show dog, she produced a beautiful litter sired by Duke. We plan to breed her again in 2023.
Sonya's full pedigree can be seen here.
Her Embark beagle genetic health panel is clear, and she is EE (which means she can only produce tricolors). Normal thyroid.