ockennelSep 22, 20241 min readEight Weeks Old!I can't believe the puppies are technically old enough to leave now, though they will be staying for about another two weeks. We'll be making final placement decisions, and still have a couple available. CuminCuminSageSageAniseAniseHerbieHerbieCassiaCassiaSaffronSaffronBasilBasilHerbie and AniseCassiaHerbieCumin and SaffronHerbieSaffron and HerbieCuminSageSaffronSageSageSage
I can't believe the puppies are technically old enough to leave now, though they will be staying for about another two weeks. We'll be making final placement decisions, and still have a couple available. CuminCuminSageSageAniseAniseHerbieHerbieCassiaCassiaSaffronSaffronBasilBasilHerbie and AniseCassiaHerbieCumin and SaffronHerbieSaffron and HerbieCuminSageSaffronSageSageSage